Putting Your Pokemon Card Collection to Good Use

I currently have a giant binder full of Pokemon cards sitting in my childhood room because I was under the deluded impression when I was eleven that I was making an investment in my future, and someday my Charizard holofoil would send my kids to college.

Well, needless to say, the market has uh…dropped off, and it’s more than likely I’ll need an archeologist to dig my collection up in 2,000 years for it to actually be worth something.

It seems someone else realized this fact, and decided to put their collection to use instead. This is a supremely awesome beer pong table made entirely out of Pokemon cards. Not sure if he actually put holofoils in there, but I think he might have, as I see a Zapdos and Alakazam even from afar. I hope he got it laminated!

Check out more angles of the table below:

[via Geekologie]

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