Contemporary Parody Photoshop Satire by AZRainman
Normally we don’t really discuss politics on this site. And honestly I’m not about to. But we do tend to dabble in really cool artwork and photoshopping ability which is why the gallery I’m about to share with you is pretty awesome.
Here we have a cool collection of photoshopped images with an emphasis on political satire and contemporary parodies (television and movies) by AZRainman, who is a surreal and parody artist who uses Photoshop as his primary tool.
He’s taken some everyday concerns, topics, problems, you name it and turned them into his own little sordid world. It’s really quite awesome.
Check out the pics:
I dunno… I guess I’m not up on my politics and such, but a lot of these just don’t make sense to me.
The Indiana Jones one is about as bad as the movie was.
i just don’t get those with skinny people.
@ Joao
It’s about the TV show “Bones.” Get it?
What’s with skinny Kate and Sawyer in the Lost one tho? I guess just cause they’re castaways, they should be skinny?
Remember when Bush jokes were funny? This is all pretentious non-sense, and doesn’t the saddened polar bear just inspire a great sense of sympathy and outrageous? Fnar!
The Bones one would look great as a framed print in my den.
Thanks for the writeup. I really appreciate it 🙂