Oi! Here’s Some Punk Rock X-Men
Or is it “Oy!” One’s Jewish, one’s punk rock, not sure which.
Artist Jame Zolk, aka Optic Blast, has come out with a new series of prints that show famous punk rock icons redesigned as X-Men. It takes classic photos of the bands and stars, and givens them a mutant power or two. Bands like the Sex Pistols and….okay, that may be the only punk rock band I know. Music isn’t my thing, okay? I listen to video game soundtracks and Lorde all day.
Check out the entire series below, and enlighten me as to who these people are. Thanks to Mark Beers for sending them my way via Uproxx.
Dude, you seriously need some Joy Division in your life right now. I order 39.24 minutes of Unknown Pleasures to be inserted in your ears, STAT!!!
Oi! is a subgenre of Punk created by Skin Heads in the 70’s. Where’s Magneto!? I want to see Magneto as a crust Punk covered in chains and spikes!
Wendy O Williams as Storm needs to happen.