Oh My God I Did Not Know There Were This Many Power Rangers Shows
Like everyone my age, I grew up with Power Rangers, but only recently did I learn that everyone else who has been born since I first watched the original series has ALSO grown up with Power Rangers. I knew there were spin-off series here and there, but I did NOT know that there has literally been a newly themed Power Rangers show on the air every single year since 1996.
Yes, that’s right, there have been 17 Power Rangers shows to date, and they’re still making them to this day. I decided to do some research into how exactly the show has evolved over the years, and I found a bed of craziness that I never knew existed until now. Since the original group of my youth, the Power Rangers have become time travelers, space police, ninjas, samurai, wizards and much, much more.
I’ve compiled each cast of the new shows which you can check out below if you’re as curious as I was as to what the hell has happened with this series over the years. It’s kind of like looking into 17 different parallel universes. Check it out:
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (1993-1996)
The good old original gang. When you say “Power Rangers” this is what 95% of people my age will immediately think of.
Power Rangers Zeo (1996)
I have some vague recollection of this, but remember thinking it wasn’t as cool as the original.
Power Rangers Turbo (1997)
Pretty sure I had at least one of these action figures because my parents didn’t know the difference between the series.
Power Rangers in Space (1998)
Weren’t they always in space half the time?
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (1999)
Glad to see that they’re paying homage to Charlie Brown with their new uniforms.
Power Ranger Lightspeed Rescue (2000)
Pinwheel themed costumes? Starting to reach here guys.
Power Rangers Time Force (2001)
Alright now we’re going full Daft Punk and it’s kind of awesome. Also time traveling.
Power Rangers Wild Force (2002)
I assume “Wild Force” is somehow more intense than “Time Force” but I say they’re not as cool.
Power Rangers Ninja Storm (2003)
Well they were pretty much ninjas from the beginning, so this seems like a logical evolution.
Power Rangers Dino Thunder (2004)
Wait, didn’t they all have dinosaur vehicles like eight iterations ago? White Ranger’s mask is the bomb.
Power Rangers S.P.D. (2005)
I can’t be bothered to look up what “S.P.D” stands for, but if I had to guess I’d say “Space Police Department.” Also, glad to see there’s now an official numbered ranking order. Suck it, ladies!
Power Rangers Mystic Force (2006)
Are they WIZARDS? With CAPES? This might be my favorite so far.
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (2007)
When they try to give the girls skirts over their normal suits, it’s just uncomfortable for everyone.
Power Rangers Jungle Fury (2008)
Okay, we’ve gone too far.
Power Rangers RPM (2009)
Like, Han Solo meets Dominic Toretto?
Power Rangers Samurai (2010-2011)
Well, they used to be ninjas, so now they’ve crossed over to samurai with actual robes. These masks are tripping me out.
Power Rangers Megaforce (2013)
This is the latest incantation, and WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE SKIRTS? But yeah, can’t beat wizards with capes. Can’t wait to see what they come up with next year.
And one video to unite them all
I actually half kept track of these all the way up to dinoforce (noticing comercials and seeing coming across them channel surfing at times)
I thought I remember the power rangers in Zeo were actually aliens from an aquatic planet, come to protect earth while the original rangers were transformed into child versions of themselves. My sister doesn’t believe me, and I’m sure a wikipedia search could determine if I’m right or crazy. I even think they changed the jingle a little to say “Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers”. The original rangers (including the evil/turned good Green ranger) with Rita Repulsa and her Putty Patrol are the only official rangers I hold to.
The next one is pirate themed, will feature the same cast as Megaforce, and is an anniversary series with cameos from members of previous seasons.
The one after that is going to be secret agent themed.
And the one after that is another Dinosaur themed one.
Power rangers is like Robotech in the 80’s. Taking original japanese series (in this case Super Sentai) and re-doing bits to make it for western audiences. Far as I can find there were 37 different series of Super Sentai since 1977 so power rangers has a lot of material they can still use.
Yeah, I’m no expert but isn’t there even more if you look at the Japanese versions? I kept track of the rangers pretty good until Dino Thunder. The rest I know of only from seeing them in the toy aisle at Wal-Mart and some I completely missed somehow (apparently I need to go to Wal-Mart more often!). Those Jungle Fury helmets are whacked out, haha.
Gil, the Zeo rangers were still from Earth, the alien rangers only replaced the Zeo team for a few episodes.
Also if you guys are interested check out Linkara’s History of Power Rangers series were he reviews each one of the seasons
Super Megaforce (aka. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, for those who watch the source material) is pirate themed, then (and they’re skipping) Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters (so secret agents and the first team to not use spandex, instead leather), and then Dino Charge (aka. Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger), which will be the third dinosaur incarnation.
It’s Space Potrol Delta not space police department