Memorable Moments in Movies: Predator’s Muscle Hand Shake Scene
Now this my friends is what is completely wrong with the action movie industry right now. If you even attempted a scene like this in a current action movie who the hell are you going to use? No one has guns like Arnold did back in the day. And it’s not like Carl Weathers was a slouch. I guess certain movies are perfect for their respective times.
Clearly Predator was. “Dillon! You Son of a Bitch!”
What’s the matter? The CIA got you pushing too many pencils? hahahaha Classic.
I would say the modern equivalent would be Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. He’s ridiculously jacked right now. You could probably pair him with Terry Crews too. That would be an awesome action movie.
I thought 300 was supposed to be the modern-day equivalent. just without the 80’s cheesy charm
I was gonna say what Havoc said. Curse you, Havoc!!!
Dwayne Johnson and Terry Crews as said above could do it.
Tom Hardy could probably pump up a little more for a role like that.
While I haven’t seen him in anything in a while, LL Cool J has always had huge guns, he’s just never really played a “strong guy” character that I’m aware of.