Man, People Really Didn’t Like Blade Runner

blade runner

Here’s an interesting little piece of movie history for you. Back in 1982, studio execs were treated to cuts of Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner and they made notes on what they saw. Turns out they HATED the eventual sci-fi classic, lambasting the voiceover work and the pace of the film. The execs were Jerry Perenchio, Bud Yorkin, and Robin French of Tandem Productions, who wouldn’t know a classic if it slapped in the face, it seems.

Much of that actually translated into audiences when the film was released, as it was deemed something of a flop.  It took a long while for it to truly reach cult status, as it was never deemed as such at its release. Fortunately, history has a way of vindicating the slighted.

[via Slashfilm]

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  1. I dunno, I’m in the minority here, but I wasn’t a huge fan of blade runner. The sex scene bothered me and I thought harrison ford just got his ass kicked the entire movie. I don’t understand how he was supposed to be the #1 badass but was a terrible fighter. Maybe it was his detective skills that made him so stand-out, but I didn’t think his character had many redeeming moments.

    1. Interesting. I too will admit to not liking it at first, it took a few viewings before I really appreciated it. But I suppose it’s not for everyone. This is sort of related to a debate question I’m posting later on.

  2. If “[m]uch of that actually translated into audiences when the film was released” then can we really “blame” the executives for not liking it either?

  3. a lot of it depends on when and what version you saw first. it’s no big secret that the voice over was hated by just about everyone, so whether or not you had Ford’s bored, deadpan attempt at torpedoing this movie probably affects your enjoyment of the film.

    one of the main reasons i love the movie are tied up in its ability to stand up as good sci fi 30 years later. it was one of the first good sci fi movies to deal with what it means to be human, and that’s a trope we see in almost every sci fi production these days, but rarely done so well.

    the movie has some stunning imagery and beautifully scripted dialog.

    the visuals of the industrial landscapes, the dream sequences, the use of the various animals, the lighting…it’s all really well made, and proof that Ridley Scott really is a phenomenal director (we’ll ignore Prometheus for the sake of this argument).

    the dialog in this movie really stands out to me as well. many of Batty and Gaff’s lines in particular. the entire scene between Batty and Tyrell was a well-written and believable exchange between a being and its creator. Batty’s final “i’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe…” speech still gives me chills to this day. the simple story-building elements used in that one scene paints such a vivid picture of his experiences that you don’t ever feel the need for them to explain what the hell the shoulder of Orion or the Tannhauser Gate even refer to.

    all in all, the single biggest reason this movie was so engrossing was the big mystery (that has since been answered in interviews, but if you want the spoilers straight from the sources, google them yourself) of whether or not Deckard was a Replicant. when you rewatch the movie and pay attention to details, it paints everything in a new light. if there were six rogue Replicants, why do we only see four in the movie? if Rachel was a Replicant but didn’t know it, is it possible that Deckard is as well? what is the meaning behind the dream sequences and the origami figures left by Gaff?

    also, just for the interesting twist, it’s fun to look back and see Edward James Olmos in a story about robots that are almost completely indistinguishable from humans. it’s not like he would ever do something like THAT again in his career..!

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