Crappy Must See Movie of the Week: Little Monsters
I feel like just about anyone who in in their 30s and loves movies had to have seen the movie Little Monsters. Am I saying it’s a crappy movie for real? Yes. I mean when you’re an adult and you see this film again you realize how bad an actual flick it is. However, as a kid I absolutely adored this movie. How can you not?
Let’s start with the synopsis.
A boy discovers an incredible and gruesome world of monsters under his bed. Seems easy enough right? What they don’t tell you is that it’s a heavenly world of fun and craziness. In fact, this movie is in some ways a precursor to the movie Monsters Inc. Monsters in this film have jobs, and their jobs are to what? Scare kids. Hell how is this not like Monsters Inc?
Actually it’s not really like it at all but it’s awesome. It stars Fred Savage and Howie Mandel. Mandel is the funny monster named Maurice and Savage plays a little kid who winds up almost turning into a monster himself!
Trust me, it’s worth taking the hour and a half out of your time to see it (hopefully again).
This trailer doesn’t give the movie enough serious credit. Awwwww.
I’m glad you later clarified that back in the day this movie rocked…because it did =)
Awesome flick. More Nattyb gold.
You’re on fire these days, keep it up.
Although this movie came out only a few years after I was born, I still do remember loving it. This movie belongs in its own “weird 80’s movies” category with all those other movies you remember from your childhood that were so weird, certain parts kind of scared you back in the day (i.e., Drop Dead Fred, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure – better yet, anything with Paul Reubens before 1990, etc.).
Ok you just said Drop Dead Fred and made my whole day.
Best line of any movie came from Little Monsters.
“I thought it was good but it’s snot!”