Garrus and Tali Hoodies Cool, But Could Be Cooler
At long last, Bioware has come out with a pair of officially licensed Mass Effect “costume hoodies,” if you want to call them that. There’s a blue armored one for Garrus, and a purple and grey Tali on. I usually don’t go for stuff like this, but I think these are pretty well done.
The Tali one especially works because she wears a hood in the game, so when you have you’re own up, you’re cool as shit. And you actually have a visible face, so you have a one up on her.
But the Garrus one isn’t quite as recognizable, and I think there’s a texture problem with both of these. They need to be more than just a flat print of the armor pattern. They need at least a little bit of a fabric layering to capture some of that armor depth. But I suppose at $68 a piece even like this, such a thing would have rocketed the price up even higher. See more pictures below via Geek Pinata.
The Tali one is kinda cool, but I’d never have guessed that the other was Garrus unless you’d told me.
They’re ruining the “uniform” for black robbers, rapists and murderers…