Galit Weisberg Channels Olly Moss for New Poster Series
If you’re a longtime reader of the site, or lover of pop culture art in general, you’re probably familiar with Olly Moss. One of his best works is his brilliant take on the original Star Wars trilogy for a truly iconic poster series.
Well, Moss has his fans in the graphic design world as well, and artist Galit Weisberg decided to emulate him for a series of posters for Ninja Turtles, the Simpsons and Where the Wild Things Are. The look is the same, but the designs withing don’t form the features of the visage shown, which was kind of the entire point of Moss’s posters. Still, they look pretty cool.
I’ve been trying to buy those Moss prints for ages now, but they seem to be sold out until the end of time.
Got me a set of the star wars ones for xmas last year. They are indeed epic.