Eight Funny Action Star Montages Set to “Appropriate” Music


Most of you probably heard about Christian Bale’s little outburst on the set of Terminator Salvation a few years back.  If you haven’t, I highly recommend listening to it.  You might think twice about liking the guy.  If there’s one positive I’ll take out of that recording, it’s coming up with the idea for this article. I decided to search “Christian Bale” on Youtube and what did I find?  A gem of a video set to the song “I’m too Sexy” which was a compilation of Bale scenes that basically made me laugh my ass off.

So I decided to find other videos with action stars set to funny music.  All in all there were eight that I found to be pretty great.


Christian Bale’s Outburst


Tom Cruise Scientology Remix

Schwarzenegger Moments

Sylvester Stallone to No Easy Way Out


Jean Claude Van Damme Dances for us

The Die Hard Song

Harrison Ford – Can’t Take that Away from Me

Dolph Lundgren Exercise Video

*OK this is a real video (not a montage) but it might be the funniest thing I’ve seen all week

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