Disney Princesses Reimagined As Lukewarm Bowls Of Water
Yes, you read that correctly. We’re pretty sure we’re never going to see it all when it comes to Disney Princesses reimagined as anything.
Yes, you read that correctly. We’re pretty sure we’re never going to see it all when it comes to Disney Princesses reimagined as anything.
Lover of all things video game, anime, or manga. I'm passionate about these things and virtually nothing else. Hope you enjoy my musings!
I think all of us have wondered what our distant future will look like at some point or another in our lives. Hell our main man Paul Tassi wrote a book about it! All of…
There are some people who like to spend their time watching television. Some people enjoy playing video games. Others are more outdoors type people. And then there are some that choose their time doing something…
Sorry mom, but I’m trading you in for a new one. Via Imgur
As many of you probably know, the biggest internet meme in the last few weeks has been the stink face that Mckayla Maroney put on when she won the silver medal at this year’s Olympic…
We’ve had an ongoing problem with our commenting system for a while now, but Disqus has been switched back on again, so feel free to resume commenting. Sorry for whatever the hell happened, but we…
Google has marked the 148th birthday of Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky with a doodle. Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky (1866-1944) was an influential Russian painter and art theorist. He is credited with painting one of the first…
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Aw man, I don’t know where you find this stuff, I guess you know what to look for, but I am so glad you do and that you post it here, so I can see it and enjoy it! Thanks, Nat B!!!!