The Unreal Life: “A Black Ops History Lesson”
(click to enlarge) I’m back with another webcomic, which if I’m lucky will be a bi-monthly event from now on. But does that mean twice a month, or once every two months? I’ve never known….
Comics reviews, art, spoilers, analysis and much more in your favorite comic book universe.
(click to enlarge) I’m back with another webcomic, which if I’m lucky will be a bi-monthly event from now on. But does that mean twice a month, or once every two months? I’ve never known….
I don’t think we really need an accompanying paragraph here do you? Nah. Just feel free to comment away. This thing is awesome. Photo H/T
As all of us feverishly await the next installment of Batman we can still revel in the fact that Batman is a huge part of our lives. I honestly think we can thank The Dark…
The good folks over at Collegehumor have come up with this rather hilarious series of comic book covers that has Batman facing off against his greatest foes yet, internet memes. You think Catwoman and Bane…
Alright, I’m in a drawing mood lately, so you guys get another new comic already. And this time it might contain a joke or two you might actually get! No Pokemon or Starcraft to be…
Yes, I’m bringing back my webcomic today, because I thought of a strip I wanted to do, and I spent the better part of yesterday bringing it to life. It focuses on my favorite game…
As I spend 90% of my day on the internet, I tend to read a lot of webcomics. Most of them are video game related, and many of them have an art style that can…
Since so many of you seemed to enjoy the Scary Jokers article I figured I’d take another look at Batman and his enemies. Who better to start with than another psychopath? The Riddler. Even though…
I’m not sure if many of you are familiar with Francesco Francavilla but this dude has got a pretty awesome sense of imagination. And since we don’t do enough comic book stuff on this site…