Bask in the Glory of the Skyrim Map
I’m not sure how many Bothans died to get this information, but managed to get a copy of the full map for Skyrim, and now you can start planning out your adventures ahead of the game’s release next month.
You can see where the area is situated, north of Hammerfell and Cyrodiil, west of Morrowind. I can’t say I’m familiar with High Rock.
What is not known however is the scale of this map, and how sprawling it actually is. I read somewhere how much bigger it was supposed to be than Cyrodiil of Oblivion, but I can’t seem to find that info. Any fans know?
Explore all the things!!!
It is supposed to be roughly the same size as Cyrodiil during gameplay. However, comparatively it is much bigger because the actual size of Skyrim is smaller than Cyrodiil.
I just hope there’s some consistency in size between games. Vvardenfell is meant to be much smaller than Cyrodil but Morrowind played much larger than Oblivion (which felt absolutely tiny).
Geographically Skyrim should be 1.5/2x larger than Vvardenfell but who knows with Bethesda – they tend to adapt canon to fit whatever game they are messing up.
Even with a map im still gonna get lost
I had read it is roughly the same size as Cyrodil was but with more locations and less empty space.
Less empty space!?!?! Actually that’ s what was missing in Oblivion. Empty spaces. Every two steps there was a cave or some ruin. Personally I find it much more satisfying to come across a cave when I don’t feel I’m always a few meters away from one. I mean the cities in the game are separated by like ten mins on foot…I know I know, realism isn’t always the best but…. I’d say for the next one, make the map at LEAST three times as big as Cyrodil but with the same amount of locations. That would be a lot better. Ultimately, i found the map of Oblivion to be not big enough. Look at Just Cause 2 for example. That map in a RPG would be genius (except maybe with slightly less water). I mean sure it didnt take too long to get from one end to the other in JC2 because you’re using cars and jets and choppers, but if you can only WALK it? It’s a huge map. When it comes to maps in games, in my opinion, big is ALWAYS best (especially in rpgs). Ok well…except maybe the map in Elder Scrolls II… that might have been slightly too big (or at least, not diversified enough graphically for its size)