The Downside to Corporate All or Nothing Game Development
If Twitter had existed in the 80s no kids I knew would have publically told everyone that they were skipping school to play Castlevania as they did with Halo 4. It’s a testament to gaming’s…
If Twitter had existed in the 80s no kids I knew would have publically told everyone that they were skipping school to play Castlevania as they did with Halo 4. It’s a testament to gaming’s…
The TV and internet service where I live tends to get a bit sketchy in crummy weather. So when I heard that a full blown hurricane would be heading into my area I figured at…
Spoiler Alert: I’ll do my best to refrain from spoiling critical plot details, but as the gameplay and the plot are wound tightly together it will be difficult. You have been warned. In my last…
My scanners picked up three different instances of alien abductions happening simultaneously across the globe. Each of the three countries promised to give me some sort of compensation for helping fight the aliens back; the…
Back in 1995 when the original X-Com was released, PC gaming was still a fringe hobby for those lucky enough to own a computer. Traditionally PCs were for work or for those who needed to…
You know how they say that first impressions are the most important? Well, there’s really no better way to show the differences between Torchlight 2 and Diablo 3 other than to compare each on their…
I really wasn’t planning on reviewing Black Mesa in any capacity this week as it’s not really a game in the traditional sense. But after sitting down to play it this weekend and going through…
When I was a kid my father wouldn’t allow me to use his work computer to play games until after dinner. If I wanted to play a game before then I had to use my Nintendo. I…
Spoiler Alert: I’ll do my best to refrain from spoiling plot details, but as the gameplay and the plot are wound tightly together it will be difficult. You have been warned. You can usually…