Being Mean in Dota 2 Might Cost More
If you’ve ever played a game online either on the PC or a console, you’ve most likely encountered some form rage, whining, or general unpleasantness from other players. It’s been going on so long that…
If you’ve ever played a game online either on the PC or a console, you’ve most likely encountered some form rage, whining, or general unpleasantness from other players. It’s been going on so long that…
Depending who you ask, Kickstarter is either a great way for entrepreneurs to raise capital or sleazy home for would-be panhandlers. Gizmodo has gone so far as to declare that they will no longer post…
Over the past few weeks I’ve been writing about some hotly debated topics. This week however, I’ve decided to do something a little more neutral. We’ve all read stories blaming real-life violence on fictional violence….
I know I harp about MOBAs quite a bit here at Unreality, and while I’m not a fan-boy per se, I do greatly enjoy the genre and feel I have some insight to share. I…
This post may contain, a few, spoilers. I know, I know, we’ve all heard enough about Bioware’s polarizing From Ashes DLC for Mass Effect 3. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the matter, including…
While I have fond memories as a child of scouring the Babbages at my local mall for the last remaining copy of Zelda, I much prefer the current method of pressing a few buttons on my…
This analogy requires me to tip-toe through my lacking knowledge of modern U.S. history, so bear with me. In the late 1930’s, the United States Military began to evaluate its own combat readiness as war…
I entered the cave south of Whiterun just after midnight. The bandit guard at the entrance I tried to sneak past was keener than I had expected and caught me before I could proceed. A…