A Handy Chart Which Tells Me I Probably Should Get Pokemon X or Y


(click for full size)

Nintendo sent me a 3DS a few years back for promotional purposes, but after a Mario game, I never really picked it up again. I told myself “once they make a new Pokemon game for it, I’m all over it,” but now that the time has come, I’m not so sure.

Despite my apparent obsession with the series, it’s more of a running joke than anything because I haven’t played since Gold/Silver. In in the interim, it seems like I’ve missed quite a bit, judging by the above chart which is some sort of Legendary Pokemon family tree that I can’t even begin to try and understand.

Apparently there’s one god Pokemon who created all the other Pokemon, and now there are apparently like, 63 legendaries with ones I used to think were uber powerful like Mewtwo and the legendary birds at the bottom of the food chain. And how is Mew not even attached to Mewtwo in a family tree? For real?

I don’t know, maybe I’ll just take the plunge and try to figure it out as I go. Can’t hurt right?


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    1. Mew is the ancestor of all Pokemon (except god)
      Think God to Adam and Eve
      That also means of course that God created Time and Space (at least) and MAYBE a few other things.

      I think I would make some minor readjustments, but otherwise it seems accurate enough.

  1. I find this chart pretty accurate, it fits all the legendary relationships and mythos. But it does not reflect relative power, Cause mewtwo is still at the top of the fame along with rayquaza, Reshirim, and Arceus.

  2. X and Y are the best pokemon games to date… They finally made the game that everyone has been asking for… it’s just still a hand held…

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