A Few Legendary Battle Beasts
This is a collection of a few um, elementally powered monsters that like to battle each other. I forget what they’re called, but I do know they look pretty damn cool when given the proper art treatment.
These pictures come from artist Jonas Jodicke who apparently kamikazed his account right after these went to print. You might recognize the two above, and there are about four more of these…fighting creatures which you can check out below.
Man these, skirmishing fictional animals are really cool looking aren’t they? Someone should really make a video game based around them.
I’m just gonna go ahead and be the first person to point out that it looks like those Dragonair are about to fertilize the moon.
and that kids, is how baby dragonites are made.
Damnit, these aren’t battle beasts. Do some research before you get my childhood nostalgia hopes up.
Finally not a Pokémon post! Congrats, paul.
Finally a Digimon post 🙂
Oh look. More Pokemon. Yay.
Hopefully u guys got that persons permission to use those 😐
Yeah i’m not trying tobe a poor sport or anything but just saying…
I love pokemon 🙂 especially when people draw them like this