15 Examples of Dumbing Down Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Sometimes you wish movies could be summed up appropriately in just a few words.  For example, it’s kind of annoying when you see badass trailers and posters for movies that wind up really sucking.  Don’t get me wrong, I know that’s the whole point.  They’re trying to get you in to see the movie and pay money.

Still though, I’m waiting for the day for an honest movie studio to just tell it like it is.  On the other hand, even if a movie is good, it’d still be kind of amusing to see how people would sum it up in a movie poster.

Here you’ll find examples of both scenarios.  Enjoy these 15 pictures of dumbed down movie posters

Thanks to the creative members at Something Awful for these.

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

Dumb Movie Posters

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  1. I like the Arachnophobia one (specifically the “don’t let this poster fool you…” part).

    I don’t get the 21/Keno one. Am I missing something or is it just not funny?

  2. ā€œKeno inspired by the true story of Five Students Who Failed Statisticsā€. They were geniuses but they failed their clever plan to rip off the casino through the use of statistics; a real world final one might say. I wonder if movie posters would show a better ROI if there were more companion movie posters like these actually released: tongue in check, satiric, sarcastic, honest observations.

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