11 Memorable Teachers From Movies
Freddy Shoop – Summer School
Mr. Shoop is easily one of the coolest teachers ever. He’s not the best – because at first, he doesn’t really give a sh*t about his job – but he definitely knows how to have a good time. He approves a field trip to the beach, hosts a giant party at his home, and even lets one of his female students move in with him. And yet, somehow, his class passes the English basic skills exam, even the guy who got his zipper stuck in the bathroom for the entire summer (in fact, I think he got the highest grade).
Economics Teacher – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Credited only as “Economics Teacher,” Ben Stein’s character in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off has a memorable monotone that remains quotable even today. I’m pretty sure Ben Stein wouldn’t be as successful as he is today were it not for his perfect delivery of “Bueller…Bueller…Bueller…”
Jaime Escalante – Stand and Deliver
Unlike the rest of the teachers in this article, Jaime Escalante was a real person. He taught mathematics in Los Angeles for 17 years and successfully motivated his students to study hard and perform well. I had to watch Stand and Deliver when I was in middle school, and as bad as the kids in the movie were, I don’t think Escalante would stand a chance against some of the kids I knew. I distinctly remember one kid placed his penis on the teacher’s desk. True story.
Professor Dave Jennings – Animal House
Professor Jennings is a very bright guy, but he doesn’t get too wrapped up in his work. In fact, he finds Milton as boring as the rest of us do. Have you ever tried to read Paradise Lost? It’s brutal. Anyhow, Jennings is a bit like Mr. Shoop, only darker: he sleeps with his students when he’s not getting them high off marijuana.
Veronica Vaughn – Billy Madison
What is there to say about the hottest third grade teacher in the world? I mean, besides the fact that that Veronica Vaughn is one piece of ashe. I know, from experience, dude. Well, not me personally, but I guy I know, him and her got it on! And yes, Veronica, you do have a nice rack.
Are there any teachers in movies that stand out to you? How about some real life teachers from your high school or college days? Post your favorites in the comments section!
Jim McCallister from Election. Any teacher that hates the class suck-up that much deserves respect.
Joe Clark from “Lean on Me”, Morgan Freeman. Great teacher, lots of love for his students, high expectations for the teachers. He can be an ass at times, but he has a solid concern for the students.
Why is there no mention of Dead Poet’s Society on this list?
Big ups to Louis Stevens from Only The Strong. The fact that only two people saw this movie (the director that approved the final cut and myself) is irrevelant. Mr. Stevens taught sub-standard Capoeira to inner city youth. Ba-na-na-wa!
What about Mr Chips? or Mark Thackery (the amazing Sidney Poitier) from To Sir With Love – While I agree with many your list – to omit these guys pretty much invalidates your list for me…
To Sir With Love, clearly, needs a mention.
I am a little upset there is no mention of Miss Reiley in October SKy.
The most memorble movie teacher I can think of it Annie Hayworth from The Birds. She should be on the list.