10 People Who I Would Not Want to Play Guitar Hero With

Guitar Hero Loser

Look, I’m not a serious gamer but I have to admit that the first time I played Guitar Hero it was pretty much like entering a new world of adult fun.  It was simply amazing to see how all the buttons worked and coincided with the music, etc etc. And it was even easier to see how the game is completely addicting.  It’s probably why I don’t own a gaming system.  I’m way too afraid I’d have zero time for anything else.  However, if there’s one thing I doubt I could be,  it’s one of those people who seem like they’re part of some Guitar Hero legion or something.  Folks, it’s just a game!

Here are ten people who I would not play Guitar Hero with.

Guitar Hero Loser

OK relax Kakashi.  It’s a video game buddy.  A video game.  You’re not going to battle against the Shredder dude.

Guitar Hero Loser

Would you want some PETA advocate playing with you?  If you’re not a meat eater, don’t play with me.

Guitar Hero Loser

When the Death Eaters weren’t busy plotting against Harry…their downtime was spent rockin’ out to Guitar Hero!! WooooOOoOoOo…YAH!. 

You just can’t make this stuff up

Guitar Hero Loser

The title of this picture was “Costumed Guitar Hero Gathering.” I think it’s safe to assume that if my only admittance into a guitar hero festival is by wearing the proper guitar hero garbs, I’ll probably skip that one.

Guitar Hero Loser

I like the kid on the left but the guy on the right must smell awful.

Guitar Hero Loser

Sorry I don’t play “taking a dump Guitar Hero” yet.

Guitar Hero Loser

Really guy?  It’s not funny.

Guitar Hero Loser

Come on Pee Wee.  Just go away, please.

Guitar Hero Loser

Now is this an excited group of people or what!!???!!

Guitar Hero Loser

I would love to strangle this guy with his hat.

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  1. Ok, this blog went from “not super active but with really interesting posts” to “active everyday but trying to be funny at any cost.. including making fun of nerds and such”… one more strike and I’m out…

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