10 of the Coolest Clockwork Orange Videos and Mashups
A Clockwork Orange is one of my favorite movies of all time. Even though it was released (and subsequently withdrawn in Britain) over 25 years ago, it’s still common to see dudes dressed as Alex DeLarge for Halloween, complete with jock strap and false eyelash. In a sense, it’s developed a cult following, but it’s received great amounts of critical acclaim as well. Kubrick’s direction, McDowell’s performance, the score, and the thematic elements of free will all help to keep this film as a relevant classic that still holds up today.
In honor of this futuristic masterpiece, I found 10 of the coolest Clockwork Orange videos and mashups. It’s Friday, so hopefully some lashings of the old ultraviolence will get you pumped for your weekend. Viddy well, my little brothers. Viddy well.
Mixed with U2
Alex DeLarge’s Day Off
Mashed with One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Mixed with They Might Be Giants
A Clockwork Chihuahua
Mixed with Arctic Monkeys
The Swine Flu Mashup
The Seventh Clockwork
An impressive fan trailer
Mixed with The Adicts’ “Smart Alex”
have you read the book? i’m assuming you have. if you have not, however, read the book then i would suggest doing so. kubrick’s interpretation is pretty fucking awesome, but burgess’ original rocks some serious socks.
If your into A Clockwork Orange check out this cool student remake i found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9loMG42pXzQ