10 Mugs that are Perfect for Any Geek
Let’s face it team, the word “geek” is synonymous with “caffeine.” While I cannot prove this as fact, there’s gotta be something out there keeping people up until the whee hours of the morning playing RPG’s MMOs, RSVPs, LMAOs, and every other acronym known to man. So if you’re going to be playing your favorite game and trying to stay up with your favorite beverage you might as well enjoy what you’re drinking out of. With that in mind, the Internet has been scoured for some of the coolest mugs available. Remember, the holidays are just around the corner so you might consider these as stocking stuffers.
Images via Amazon, H/T Geeksaresexy
I’ve got the last one 🙂 I’m a sucker for a good mug, and just bought a MASSIVE Batman one. Good for soup this time of year.