10 Food Items I Will Forever Associate with a Specific Film


Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of movies, and in those movies, people have eaten a lot of food. It stands to reason that in certain classic scenes, that movie’s depiction of a specific food would have stuck with me after a while. Here are ten cases where that has most certainly happened to me. See if you agree with any of these, and feel free to list your own in the comments.

1. Spaghetti – Se7en


This is exceedingly unfortunate for me, because spaghetti happens to be my favorite food. I always, always eat too much of it, and I inevitably start having flashbacks to the “gluttony” kill in Se7en, and feel like God is about to punish me for my own consumption by rupturing my stomach.

2. Maple Syrup – Elf


I guess this is also tangentially related to spaghetti, but when I used syrup now on pancakes like an normal human, I find myself asking why. Why don’t we use maple syrup on more stuff other than just breakfast food? It’s freaking delicious. Buddy had the right idea.

3. Whipped Cream – Varsity Blues

ali larter

This is sort of an awkward image to flash in your head whenever a waitress asks you if you want whipped cream on the aforementioned pancakes. I’ll not yes, but I’m far, far away, picture Ali Larter in the only scene from Varsity Blues worth watching.

4. Apple Pie – American Pie

apple pie

As I’m putting something in my mouth, the last thing I want camped out in my mind is an image of a penis, particularly Jason Biggs’ penis. But American Pie’s titular scene forever burned the implied image into my mind, and it manages to manifest itself right when I’m about to enjoy a nice desert.

5. Anything from McDonald’s – Supersize Me

supersize me

This is kind of the point of this movie, to associate McDonald’s with Morgan Spurlock puking in a parking lot. Hearing him describe all his symptoms after eating McDonald’s nonstop is how I feel when I eat McDonald’s once these days. Psychological condition in action? Or the food might actually just be that bad.

6. Quarter Pounder with Cheese – Pulp Fiction


How many times have you wanted to order a “Royale with Cheese”? How many of you have actually done it? I’d be most impressed, but I’d be even more impressed if the person working at McDonald’s got the reference without asking you to clarify.

7. Turkey –  A Christmas Story


Well, the real association with this would be the episode of Friends where Monica wears the turkey on her head, but this is the next best thing. Sometimes, during particularly dull Thanksgiving dinners, I hope the turkey falls on the floor just so we can all go out for Chinese.

8. Reese’s Pieces – E.T.


Our candy is so good that even aliens like it. This was masterful product placement before people really began calling that sort of thing out, and now if you watched this when you were young, you now permanently associated the candy with friendly aliens. I guess that would help sales?

9. Eggs – Cool Hand Luke


Oh god, my stomach hurts just thinking about this scene. In reality, Paul Newman reportedly ate 61 hard boiled eggs during the scene where A) he could have faked it and B) he only was supposed to eat fifty. But I suppose they didn’t have CGI to make his stomach bulge after back then.

10. White Castle – Take a Guess

white castle

This was perhaps the most genius marketing move in history, provided you don’t mind that you’re appealing directly to the late night stoner crowd. White Castle of course does not mind, as stoners have money just like everyone else. They may even have more of it if they’re dealers.

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  1. Paul, it’s not like you’re writing papers in theoretical physics. Why would you be impressed if someone at Mickey D’s got the reference? It’s not like it’s an obscure movie or anything.

  2. Granted it’s a TV show but every time I see strawberries this amazing scene from the Firefly Pilot comes to mind, in which Kaylee really savors that first bite.

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