When Nintendo Meets Street Fighter
I’m convinced that the world will never run out of mashups, and so galleries like this will continue to exist indefinitely.
Today we have the combo of two titans, Nintendo and Capcom. Artist MightyMusc has taken a host of Mario characters (plus Link and DK) and converted them into various characters from Street Fighters.
To be honest, I don’t know how I never saw this before. There are a ton of parallels that really work well, and my favorites are Wario/Bison, Shy Guy/Vega, Bowser/Blanka and DK/Zangief. Check them all out for yourself below.
And for some reason Mortal Kombat snuck in here too:
nice saiyan hair on bowser
Why is Link pregnant in that picture? He has a six pack, but it’s contorted outward as if he either just ate a feast or is 4 – 5 months pregnants
No Pokemon characters? You’re slipping, Paul.
Kirby would have made a better E. Honda.