What IRL Love Would Be Like If They Worked Like Videogame Love (Comic)
Harvest Moon, “Here’s a ton of stuff you like, I hope you like hoarding stuff because you’re gonna be getting at least 20 of those per day until you marry me.”
Harvest Moon, “Here’s a ton of stuff you like, I hope you like hoarding stuff because you’re gonna be getting at least 20 of those per day until you marry me.”
Lover of all things video game, anime, or manga. I'm passionate about these things and virtually nothing else. Hope you enjoy my musings!
I’m all Man of Steel-ed out at the moment, though I’ve loved discussing the movie with you all the past week or so. I am however, finding myself thinking about the future of superhero films…
[Via: Dragonarte | Dragonarte on Facebook]
(see the rest after the jump) Yes, to run this site, I have to be somewhat of a nerd by definition, but even I didn’t play Dungeons and Dragons when I was younger. Or now….
Having just seen The Human Centipede, I’ve unfortunately spent a lot of time over the past day or so thinking about what it must be like to be physically attached to someone for the duration…
If only cooking shows were hosted by Emperor Palpatine. If only. Well, wish no longer. We now have definitive comical proof that a cooking show hosted by the dark side of the Force would be…
In the new era of digital art, making pictures using entirely sharp edges is a style that’s best described as “polygon art.” It’s sort of like the reverse of pointillism, which uses a zillion tiny…