Weekly Movie Rec: The Midnight Meat Train

I wanted to do a horror film for this week’s movie recommendation, but I had trouble figure out which was one that many of you probably hadn’t seen, and was still worthwhile. There are waaay too many torture heavy horror films out there today, and I wanted to choose something that breaks from that mold. And Midnight Meat Train certainly does that.

Yes, laugh at the title. It’s hard to deny it doesn’t sound like a very strangely titled porno. But once you get all the dirty thoughts out of your head, you can process that the film revolves around a late night subway car that takes unsuspecting passengers to an unexpected destination with Vinnie Jones as their tour guide.

Jones is Mahogany, yet another character where the actor doesn’t say a word the whole movie. He’s brutal, efficient and mysterious and Bradley Cooper plays a photographer who spots his misdeeds, and gets wrapped up in the saga of the Meat Train, wanting to uncover its secrets.

This movie goes in a direction you will absolutely not expect. A lot of horror movies have twists, but I can’t recall any offhand that take stranger turns than this one. If you’re a fan of the genre, this is one entry you absolutely should check out.

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  1. This is based on the short story of Clive Barker, from his Books of Blood series. The guy who made Hellraiser with Pinhead. So you know that they guy knows how to write horror.

    I haven’t seen this yet and really want to. Glad to hear that it seems that they stuck to his story. Another great short from that series is The Nattering and the Jack. Great tale of a guy being hounded by a little demon and how he deals with it while his daughter is home for X-mas break.

  2. i dunno i rented this movie a while back because vinny jones + horror should be quite amazing. it was a bit of a dud for me and the cgi blood really started pissing me off (it looked like rendered ketchup). As for the twist i’ll let others think for themselve but personally i thought it was way out in left feild and made no sense

  3. This is one of the best adaptations of a Clive Barker novel I’ve ever seen. It captures the mood, emotion and atmosphere perfectly.

    Of course, depending on how familiar you are with Barker’s writing, this may not, in fact, be a good thing!

    If you want a good laugh, try listening to the commentary on the DVD, it certainly gives a good impression on the kind of person Barker is. It was quite fun listening to the director trying despreatly throughout the movie to keep the nutter placated and calm! I feel for the guy having to work with him!

  4. I dono I had trouble enjoying this movie. Stupid but not in that good horror cheese kind of way. Should check out Jacobs Ladder,Session 9, into the mouth of madness.

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