The Video Sharing Dilemma (Comic)
[Via: Pig Knit Comics]
[Via: Pig Knit Comics]
Lover of all things video game, anime, or manga. I'm passionate about these things and virtually nothing else. Hope you enjoy my musings!
I don’t think that a more mature audience would give the same kid of response town anime as one targeted at kids. I mean, we got Pokemon: Origins, which was an awesome nod to those…
Everybody knows there are two heavy hitters in the comic industry: Marvel and DC. The two companies relentlessly copy and complement each other with the various ebbs and flows of the business; keeping each other…
So clever. Why wait and see if these movies will be good when we can just say DC sucks after one movie. Perfect sense. Thanks JHall Comics!
Imagine if a librarian from the Victorian era created the Justice League. Might not sound incredibly thrilling but in 1999 comics legend Alan Moore made the concept not just work but rock in his miniseries…
Oversexualization of females in pop culture, particularly comic books, is nothing new unfortunately. It’s happened for years, and often times, has reached levels that reach past sexy and simply go to silly. The idea of…
Well, I just finished wrapping up my thoughts on the pilot to Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, the Avengers-less Avengers show that’s been the most anticipated new drama of the year. And what do I hear…