10 Kick Ass Video Game Clowns
We here at Unreality enjoy the psychopathic clown. It’s just so unusual. Clowns scare the crap out of me whether or not they’re even intended to be scary. And in recent years, video games have also turned to the clown to instill fear into its players.
But alas, remember something kids. Those of us who were around back in the NES days, clowns did in fact exist. They just weren’t so prevalent.
So with that in mind, I’ve taken a look at 10 historical video game clowns both old and new
Krusty The Clown – Krusty’s Super Fun House
If I could make the sound of Krusty’s laugh come out in text I would.
Bonker – Clay Fighter
Those teeth scare the crap out of me.
The Joker – Batman: Arkham Asylum
Impossible to leave out the Joker. What a badass.
Doink – WWF Wrestlemania
Wait, isn’t that Beetlejuice? Nope. Doink. What kind of name is that? Sounds like a verb for sex.
Kick Man- Kick Man
Oh come on. He’s such a fun little guy I had to put him in here!
Kinky Pinky – Narc
Another retro awesome clown, Kinky Pinky came out in 1988 and is a precursor to all the scary clowns you see in video games today. Way to go Narc!
Adam the Clown: Dead Rising
If you play through the entirety of the game and never fight the chainsaw-juggling, fire-balloon blowing, roller-coaster hijiacking psycho clown, it can be argued that you didn’t really experience Dead Rising.
Insane Clown Posse: Backyard Wrestling 2
Wait, was I saying something? The chick in the middle kind of distracted me.
Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal
Flaming hair and an ice cream truck that fires explosive treats? This could be the most iconic clown in video game history.
Mad Clown – Super Punch Out
Kind of reminds me of The Revolting Blob in Billy Madison. He just looks kind of funny doesn’t he?
And I may add the hard to kill clown Oozo from The Day of The Tentacle.
Nice call Lagrange
I miss Twisted Metal.
Just looking at that guy is enough.
I used to get bored and draw picture of Sweet Tooth all over my folders in class back in middle school. Not that stupid ass one from 3 & 4 either. The bad ass one from black was a complete bad ass.
I only owned that game for the stories in it and I barely ever played the game.
You mean you don’t still draw sweet tooth?
Doink the Clown! Amazing…he had a little midget clown sidekick named Dink. I’m not kidding.
No Pint-Sized Slasher from Fallout 3?
Man I haven’t played kickman in years! Wish my C64 monitor hadn’t died, I’d fire it up right now!
Wait wtf how come there’s no Kefka here?
You just lose one internet sir.
WTF! No Circus Charlie? are you keeeeeding?
Where the fuck is Fwank from Loaded series and why the fuck is ICP on the list? just being a clown in a game should not qualify if the game is just a cash grab on a terrible fad.
You missed Kefka. You lose. Good day, sir!
clown luv woop woop!
They really need to make a new Twisted Metal game on PS3. That game would rock. I used to play multiplayer with friends all the time.
I would say that you forgot one of my favourite game clowns ever, from the old PC game Toonstruck, Spike the Clown
(He shows up in the end of this trailer)
He’s psychotic! =D
Hey falto el clasico Payasito de Circus Charlie
And what about the killer clown in Broken Sword – The Shadow of the Templars?
i remember Ist clown video game was launched in india in 1998 when i was studing in school htp://www.boysiq.com/
No Khan from Broken Sword? This list irritates me.
No Kefka?
BLASPHEMY! How could you leave out the most flat-out terrifying clown in the history of video games?
How could you make this list and not include Kefka from Final Fantasy 6?
Where is the broken sword clown?