Unreality’s Favorite Reader Cosplayers are Back

Yes, my fiancee and I like to dabble in cosplay occasionally, usually when Halloween comes around, but man, Unreality readers David Hoang and Cin De put us to shame. We’ve featured the duo quite a few times on the site before, and they have a penchant for bringing fighting game characters to life in an incredibly badass way.

For this year’s DragonCon, they brought out their Killer Instinct costumes for a wicked cool photoshoot by Foto Mike. Not only that, but they brought some friends in the form of Scorpion, Wolverine, Lady Deathstrike and more.

Check out the full gallery of David, Cindy and company below. I’m looking forward to whatever costume set they come up with next.

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  1. because you’re going to get s*** for it eventually: It’s X-23, not Lady Deathstrike. I only care because Deathstrike was made when X-Men stories had integrity beyond “Wolverine with boobs” 😛

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