This Week In Movie Trailers!


Hey guys, welcome to This Week In Movie Trailers! Long weekend ahead! Yessss!

So, what’s up this week, besides the fact that we might be seeing a Mrs. Doubtfire sequel with Robin Williams? Not much? Ok, well at least we have some pretty good movies to preview this week! Seriously, lots of interesting stuff below, so let’s get right into things!

The Rover

This looks excellent! I think I posted the teaser of The Rover awhile back and said the same thing. I love Guy Pearce and I think that Robert Pattison is unfairly judged as an actor. He’s pretty talented! Anyway, I will see this in one form or another.

I Origins

Interesting concept for a movie; I think that I might see this eye movie! I tried.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

I really hope they don’t try to jam too much into this film (which is kinda looks like they are the more I see of this movie). But hey, Bryan Singer is back as the director of the two good X-Men films, so it definitely can’t be as bad as the 3rd one. Right?

God’s Pocket

This movie looks great. RIP Mr. Hoffman, wish you around to make more great looking movies.

The Green Inferno

Well, this is definitely more subtle then the last trailer I saw for The Green Inferno, which has definitely peaked my interest based on reviews and the subject matter. I Love weird, disturbing stuff like this, especially when I don’t feel like sleeping.

Gone Girl

With a face like Affleck’s, how could anyone believe he did it? OK, now that you’re done with this film, let’s see you in that Batman suit, OK? Chop, chop!



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  1. I’m optimistic for Gone Girl and X-Men. I actually, inexplicably, like Bryan Singer’s superhero stuff better than his other movies, so he gets the benefit of the doubt from me. Can’t get with the idea of The Green Inferno, but it’s not my kind of horror anyway.

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