There’s A New Dark Conspiracy Theory About Toby From “The Office”
You know a show was good if fans are still coming up with theories about the show years after the series finale aired. If you’re a fan of “The Office,” you know exactly what we’re talking about. The show ended in 2013, but we still just can’t stop talking about the characters that we’ve all grown to love. For example, a new conspiracy theory about Toby has been making its rounds in the Internet lately. What exactly is this conspiracy theory, you might ask. Fans have always speculated about the true identity of the Scranton Strangler, and the most recent thought is that Toby is the real Strangler.
How exactly did people come up with this theory? Let’s talk about Toby for a bit. Toby Wyatt Flenderson was the Human Resources Representative at Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch. He was clearly a miserable guy. He had a low paying job, and his coworkers didn’t really like him, especially Michael, his boss. His marriage failed; he was divorced, and he couldn’t patch things up with his daughter. When he finally opened up to love, of course he fell in love with Pam, whom we all know was meant for Jim from the very beginning.
So he hits a low point and moves to Costa Rica, where he hurt his neck zip lining.
In 6, we met the Scranton Strangler for the first time—the very same time when Jim and Pam had their baby. We imagined this wasn’t the best day for Toby. We saw him in the beginning of the episode trying to get into the elevator with the rest of the officemates, but Michael pushed him away. We didn’t see him in the hospital or in the rest of the episode. But the following day, the headlines in the papers read that the Scranton Strangler struck again.
The next clue is in the car chase scene during the episode called “The Viewing.” The car in the chase is the same car that we’ve seen in the parking lot of Dunder Mifflin multiple times. Then Toby gets summoned to jury duty about the Strangler case, and he appeared confident that he was putting the right man in jail. Later on, he admits that he put an innocent man in jail. He said he felt guilty, so he paid the incarcerated man a visit. Nobody knows what happened in that scene, but Toby appeared later on with a brace around his neck.
Some say that the imprisoned man was the real Scranton Strangler, and Toby was just another victim. However, other fans believe that Toby either faked the attack or is wearing a fake brace. Or Toby confessed that he was the real Scranton Strangler and the man in prison attacked Toby just out of pure anger.
The theory makes perfect sense, but we’ll never know now if it were true. Here, check it out in full detail