The Star Wars Lantern Corps
We featured artist Darren Greers yesterday I believe (The Saddest Khajiit), but I went digging through his oldest art, and came up with something rather awesome and bizarre. He has an entire series dedicated to the creation of a Star Wars Green Lantern Corps. Now that’s a crossover I never imagined I’d see.
While the good guys’ rings are powered by the traditional “willpower” (which is not a fricking emotion, DC), the baddies have their own rings controlled by fear, anger and all those other words Yoda warned Luke about.
It’s a cool series, and I suggest you check the entire thing out below:
Vader doesn’t deal in fear. That’s Grand Moff Tarkin’s MO. Vader is more of a Red Lantern.
Either way, art is awesome.
Also, it looks like both Luke and Leia are wearing non-willpower rings, hope and love respectively. Sorry to nit-pick.