The Iron Throne
We’re having a sale on artistic puns today, two for the price of one. I’ve heard the “long lost Stark brother, Tony” joke a few times by now, but having him sit on the IRON throne? That’s just too perfect. Are we sure George RR Martin wasn’t a huge Iron Man fan?
In any case, I’m imagining Tony Stark in an aerial dogfight with Daenyrs Targaryen’s three (grown) dragons. It sounds like a bad Korean sci-fi movie, but I’d totally pay to see it.
Artist is James Zapata and you can see more of his work here.
Only problem is Tony totally paid the gold price for that armor, I doubt great heat great great great grandfather Balon Greyjoys would be pleased with that.
Before reading the article and title I thought it was supposed to be fanart of the alternate reality where Tony Stark became Doctor Doom.