“The Final Girls” is the Coolest Show Concept I’ve Heard in a While


I came across this description for an upcoming cable show yesterday, and damn, does it sound like a good idea. It’s called “The Final Girls,” and is being put together by Jamie Lee Curtis.

“[The] drama revolves around a group of girls who have, in essence, survived their own personal horror stories and are brought together by a mysterious older woman (Curtis) to channel the stress and scars of their experience for some greater good.”

In case you still don’t get it, “The Final Girls” is referring to the one girl left alive at the end of every horror movie, you know, the one that gets to come back for three or four or nine sequels after? Jamie Lee Curtis was one of the original Final Girls, and I wonder if she’ll be playing her Halloween character.

My only concern that this is on ABC Family, the network of Pretty Little Liars, The Lying Game, etc. Not that those are bad shows, but I’m guessing it just won’t have the tone I’m looking for. We’ll see, however. The idea itself might be too good to pass up, no matter what channel it’s on.

[via io9]

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