The Fast Food Mascot Fighting Game That Should Definitely Exist


This image, masterfully created by DeviantArtist Lysol Jones, is titled “Extra Value Combo” and pictures a fighting game filled with combatants pulled from fast food chains all around the country. It’s a game that obviously isn’t real, but if it was, I think it would be a great promotional tool for all brands involved.  Yes, I had to Google “The Noid” because I’m young.

BONUS: This picture actually reminded me of a different fast food DeviantArt themed rendering called “Fast Food Mafia” which I swear we’ve posted here before, but I’ll be damned if I can find it. Hit the jump to see, it’s equally as cool this if you ask me.


(click to enlarge)

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  1. you don’t know who the NOID is??? i’m 25 and remember the noid…. i even had the NES game “Yo Noid!”…. you make me feel so old.

  2. What I wanna know is who is the guy Wendy is blocking? I know everyone else just can’t see this guy’s name and can’t think of who it is.

  3. Come on people, some of these characters aren’t that old, most are still in use…

    The Oven Mitt is Arby’s trademark from 2003 that centered around a talking oven mitt to promote their stuff. This was before the “I’m thinking Arby’s” campaign now that uses an illuminated outline of a western styled hat.

    The “Noid” dates back a little further and was a pretty big mascot for Dominoes pizza.

    The roman dude in the bottom left was the mascot for Little Ceasar’s. He was most famous for the end of the commercial advert when he would exclaim “Pizza pizza!”

    The rest should be obvious since they are still popular and in use today.

    (I’m 21 by the way)

  4. Me and my friends thought about this and didnt know this pic even existed, we will make this game and give this guy credit. WE WILL MAKE THIS

  5. fast food is nasty mafia or no mafia from wendy’s to mc donalds from the small fast food chains like hardys to a&w it is all gross we are paying off the mafia to eat is more or less what it is they are pumping us with chemicals and killing us off slow the price of the meals is how they make money from the fatness of americans they are makingg a racket from us all because there is nothing like lazy food to get the mafia interested in making money fast food is not fast it is lazy food like mom all ways tell ya home cook food is better.

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