The Best of Arrested Westeros for Game of Thrones Season 3
Alright, I’ve been waiting ten weeks to be able to post this, and now that day has finally come. If you haven’t been keeping up with Arrested Westeros‘ chronicling of Game of Thrones season three, shame on you. The site is easily my favorite Tumblr on the internet, and you should check it out if you managed to miss our last few posts about it over the years.
Now that season three is finally over, I wanted to go back and spotlight the best jokes that Arrested Westeros crafted from the new season, which is most of them. There’s also a new season of Arrested Development out at the same time, which comes up a few times.
There are spoilers galore here, so you should avoid this post entirely if you haven’t seen all of season three yet. And the above photo is only a spoiler if you’ve seen the episode, which is a paradox. Check out all the others below, you won’t be disappointed.
My favorite was “Lets have GOB %&#@$ his way out of this one” Just fit both shows so perfectly. lol
These are almost too genius. I sense Lannisters behind this.
I have friends who have seen all of Game of Thrones and none of Arrested Development.
I have friends who have seen all of Arrested Development, but are only in season 2 of Game of Thrones.
I feel like all this awesome is being wasted on me viewing these…
None of these were even remotely funny. What is wrong with you kids these days?