The All-Star Gaming Cast of Video Wars
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Why yes, this is the classic New Hope poster rendered completely with space video game characters. It’s from DeviantArtist jnkboy, and I want one for my room.
As always, we can now play the “identify everyone here game,” which naturally I cannot quite complete. I’ve got most of them, but the hairy beast guy escapes me. Also, why is Starfox a midget? And why are there Easter Island heads in the background?
And I hate to nitpick, but Mass Effect guns don’t shoot lasers.
I vote that it should be Miranda (ME2) instead of Ashley (the white girl with the white and pink suit). Ashley is cold hearted and and anti-alien. Miranda has her own flaws, but at least she’s cool with my favorite Mass Effect characters: Garrus, Thane, Grunt and Wrex.
Those are my boys. They don’t mess around.
Yay! I get to name to obvious ones:
Space invaders
Samus Aran
Dude from Half Life
Mass Effect Chick
I will say I am saddened to not see Pizza the Hut.
I think those Easter Island heads are from Gradius or Life Force…I think that’s Nei from PS2 on the left…that big lion-man thing may be from Wing Commander…
“And I hate to nitpick, but Mass Effect guns don’t shoot lasers”
Yeah, and Master Chief’s sword is not orange.
@ Bud
@Madison – THats my guess on the Easter Island heads, that’s the only place I have seen those heads in a space video game. Was that Gradius 3 for SNES? Thats where I remember playing it.
What? No Commander Keen?
Ha! Roger Wilco shows up again. Space Quest gave me plenty of laughs when I played through that line of games.
I think the hairy beast guy is a Kilrathi.
The guy with the mop is from the Space Quest series, and the chick in the orange is Ulala from Space Channel 5.
also, Asteroids in the bottom left
now that is funny!! I about fell out of my chair. I love a good steve dave reference.