The 20 Best Uses of R2-D2
We’ve seen how ridiculous Darth Vader can get in his off hours, but what about a less menacing member of the Star Wars universe? R2-D2 might not talk, but my research has shown that he gets around more than any other Star Wars character. His portly shape has been replicated using an absurd number of materials, and he’s been put to work in jobs that range from demeaning to awesome. Check them out after the jump:
Lego2-D2 Took Far Too Many Man Hours to Complete
Mail2-D2 is Confused by His URL
Paper2-D2 is Seriously Paper, Look Closer
Beer2-D2 is Every Galactic Smuggler’s Best Friend
Rust2-D2 Doesn’t Want to Be a Part of Your Crappy Band
Darth2-D2 Finds Your Lack of Faith Disturbing
Trash2-D2 Didn’t Go to Robot College for This
Hat2-D2 Might Be the Best Star Wars Clothing Item You Can Wear (Suck It Boba Fett Hoodie)
Cake2-D2 is Actually Edible, He Swears
Projector2-D2 Shows Movies at George Lucas’s House
Truck2-D2 Isn’t Sure If He’s Photoshopped
Knit2-D2 Gets Molested by Your Cat When You’re Gone
PC2-D2 Secretly Runs Linux
Straw2-D2 Thinks He Got the Short End of the Product Placement Stick
Shampoo2-D2 Doesn’t Believe He’s Actually Officially Licensed
USB2-D2 is Shutting Down Trash Compactors on Level 4
Table2-D2 is Afraid of Spills
Tissue2-D2 Helps You Out After Repeated Viewings of Slave Leia
Backpack2-D2 Not Actually Used by Hot Girls
Fake2-D2 is Not the Droid You’re Looking For
The photo session must have been the first and last time that cute chick wore Backpack2-D2.
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