Stormvengers: Superheroes Meet Clone Troopers
Over the years writing for Unreality, I’ve learned that anything can be combined with anything when it comes to fan art, and I’ve been determined to find the most strange pairings out there. So far, the winner is Chorno Tigger, but this one is certainly up there.
It’s two of Disney’s biggest franchises coming together for one series of artwork by Jon Bolerjack. He took each hero from the Avengers and gave them altered clone armor to fit their costume. I featured Hulk above because he looks the coolest, but you’ll recognize the other designs a lot more easily below.
No Black Widow with armor cleavage slit, or Nicky Fury with an eyepatch over his helmet? For shame.
[via Laughing Squid]
Hulk reminds me of the endboss from Dark Forces.
The Hulk one is awesome. The others? Eh, I wish he’d taken a little more license with them. They mainly look like the regular costume just translated into Stormtrooper armor. I feel like there might have been a better way to go about it that wasn’t quite so blatant. Could be wrong, good stuff anyway.
Hulk reminds me of a Green Juggernaut.
I wonder if they will all miss their shots too
So basically just an Iron Man version of each of them with a stormtrooper helmet.