Snooki Fan Art: This is Great
I assume or hope that by now some of the Jersey Shore craze has died down. Well that’s at least until Nicole Polizzi AKA Snooki’s book comes out. I cannot believe an actual book deal was made with this person. How is this possible? While I let you guys ponder that, let’s ponder this.
Her “character” which is really just her has become so sticky that people actually took the time out to make fan art of her. Yes! I had to see this and I tried to collect some of the “finer” images of the famed reality TV star.
These are not pretty but some are definitely worth a chuckle…..
Thanks to the creativity of some deviant art members for these. For full artist credit please email us and we’ll put you on the site immediately.
Is it wrong of me to think that this is somewhat hot?
where is south parks snooky? smush smush
I do love that you refer to her character as “sticky”. She does indeed look like she would be sticky. Sticky with what…well, it’s best not to think about it.
No Nattyb, it’s not wrong for you to think pic is hot. Artist did Snooki great justice
@Bert: Good one. LMAO!