One Woman, Seven Princesses
Why dress up as just one Disney princess when you can be ALL OF THEM? That’s what occurred to make-up expert Promise Phan who decided to see how many princesses she could transform herself into. It requires jumping races quite a few times, but she makes it look easy.
I think Pocahontas above is my favorite look, but she’s got them all down extremely well, and something tells me she’s so good with make-up, she could probably do even more of these. Merida? Rapunzel? Tiana? Well, that could just be offensive.
Check out all her other looks, and be amazed when it’s revealed….SHE WAS REALLY A GUY THE WHOLE TIME! Just kidding.
I see six princesses.
How dumb is this guy? You see six? Really?
Pocahontas wasnt a princess…
She’s the daughter of the Chief, so she is a princess.
Actually there are less than six. Pocahontas, Mulan and Esmerelda were not princesses. And even if you wanted to count them all as “princesses” in the generic sense, i.e. “all animated Disney leads are “Disney Princesses,” you still have to take into account that two of the pictures are of Mulan (Mulan and Mulan in drag, but still both Mulan).
2 of the pictures are mulan.