Now This is How You Make a “Don’t Talk at the Movies” PSA
These days, it seems like people don’t worry about anyone except themselves. The days of having consideration for anyone else seems to be over, as evidenced by an individual that left a lovely voice mail for the Alamo Drafthouse, a unique theater in the Austin, Texas area.
The Alamo Drafthouse makes it very clear that if a person uses their phone to talk or text, they will be removed from the theater, and that’s the end of it. However, one customer got angry because she claims that she was using her phone as a flashlight to find her seat in the dark theater and was subsequently removed from the location. She goes on to say that she’s used her phone to text in every theater in and around Austin and no one has ever cared. Chances are, they’ve actually cared quite a bit. People that are actually trying to watch a movie in a theater get really frustrated when other people either can’t stop talking, can’t stay in their seat, or end up being constantly on their phone.
Of course, the customer points out that her phone was on silent so it shouldn’t have been a problem. The problem is, when you’re sitting in a dark theater and you’re trying to watch the screen, all of these phones that are lit up in different places around the audience are incredibly annoying. Is nothing short of astonishing that people can’t seem to manage two hours of their time without playing with their phone or having to talk or text other people even when they know it’s disrespectful.
The customer goes on to leave an expletive-laden voicemail with this theater and rambles on without making a whole lot of sense through most of the voicemail. At the end, she makes it clear that she’ll never be back to that theater again, like that’s supposed to be some type of a threat. The joke is on her, because the Alamo Drafthouse turned it around and used it as a public service announcement . At the end of their PSA, the customer says that she will never be back and they respond by thanking her for making that promise.
The thing everybody can take away from this is that if you go to a theater, realize that you’re not the only person in it and that other people are actually there to pay attention to what’s going on. They don’t want to hear your personal conversations, nor do they want to be interrupted every five minutes by you constantly lighting up your phone or standing up and getting in front of them. If that’s what you’re going to do, maybe it’s better if you just stay home. At least, that’s what the Alamo Drafthouse thinks.