Ninjabot’s Incredible “Origin” Print Series
This is quite simply one of the best print projects I’ve come across in a long time, and I see probably a half dozen of these every day surfing the web for content.
It’s a series by artist Ninjabot where he relays the origin of various comic book heroes and villains in a simple image, often times barely even showing the hero in question. The origin stories of all the big heroes are here, from Superman to Batman to Spider-Man to Wolverine, but he also veers into other territory as well with the Ninja Turtles and Hit Girl.
The entire series is massive, incredible, and must be seen for yourself. Once you’re done gawking, you can buy prints of some of them at Ninjabot’s store here.
[via Geek-Art]
Wow, these are amazing. Very clean and understated yet incredibly detailed and fitting of the character they’re portraying.
I’ve been looking for really artistic and unique things to decorate my entertainment room and really wanted to do Super-Hero / Sci-Fi and these are perfect!