It’s New iPhone Time! (Comic)
You guys all know that feeling when you first get a new iPhone right? But is the iPhone ever all it’s cracked up to be?
You guys all know that feeling when you first get a new iPhone right? But is the iPhone ever all it’s cracked up to be?
Lover of all things video game, anime, or manga. I'm passionate about these things and virtually nothing else. Hope you enjoy my musings!
(click to enlarge) This isn’t the first time we’ve featured the “art nouveau” style here, but as I just stumbled upon a new batch of awesomeness, I thought it was time to revisit the genre. This…
In one of my other jobs, I’m a news editor for a movie site. I spend a whole lot of time covering all the films in the works in Hollywood, and one type of article…
Which one is your favorite?
Pokemon trainers are all actually incredibly strong, which you can tell by their ability to uproot entire trees just by picking berries. They only send Pokemon out to fight for them as a courtesy, so…
Guest Written by Deadpool Alright, I need every one of you to shut up about The Dark Knight Rises for a second?!! Shine a light on some of us other fools who wears tights, ya…
And then you move on to a new love, who seems hellbent on comparing herself to every other ex you’ve had just to make herself look “Perfect”. Comic via Jhall