Mewtwo Unleashed

(click to enlarge)

I often imagine what Pokemon would be like when free from the plastic handcuffs of Nintendo forcibly aiming everything at children. What would it be like the pocket monster were actually…monsters?

Well, I think it’d look something like this.

Tineye proves useful for a change, and has revealed that this is a work by artist Light Schizophrenia titled “God Wannabe.” I still remember seeing the very first Pokemon movie as a child, hearing Mewtwo talk and going whaaa? Then I played as him in Super Smash Bros Melee and found him to be far from the all powerful god he claimed to be, and the “wannabe” title is accurate.

But this version? He looks like he could psionically mess some things up for sure, and he fits right in with some of the more badass Pokemon pieces we’ve featured here before.

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