15 Memorable Comedy Quotes with the Screenshots to Match
Sometimes it’s nice to take a walk down memory lane. For you guys that walk might involve doing things that you did in the year 2001. For me it’s usually 90s and 80s stuff. In this particular walk, we’re talking 70s as well.
While all of us constantly quote movies in our conversation we don’t quite “see” the quotes now do we? While we may think of the scenes the quotes come from, we can’t literally watch the scenes.
Here we take a look at 15 fun moments in movies with the quotes to match….
The names of the movies have not been inserted because frankly if you don’t know all of these you have problems.
I’m pretty sure Mel Brooks movies are some of the most quotable movies ever made. You start quoting Robin Hood: Men in Tights, and somebody will eventually start singing Men in Tights.
“We’re men, we’re men in tights…we roam around the forest looking for fights…”