Kermit the Frog Action Shots in San Francisco

Kermit on Tour

You gotta love the tag on his butt

I don’t know if it’s because I’m in a strange mood today or what but I decided to look for something amusing involving Kermit the Frog.  I wanted to see if there wre any funny pictures out there of the little entertaining green frog.

Little did I know there are seas of them out there.   I was amazed to see how many people are not just dedicated but nearly obsessed with Kermit.

Perhaps no more obsessed with this Jim Henson creation are the people behind The Kermit Tour.   Run by this weird couple Connie and Markus, the site provides pictures of Kermit’s trips around the world.  In other words these people take a stuffed Kermit doll with them everywhere and pose him all over the place.

Kermit’s San Fran:

That sandwich is bigger than him!

Kermit on Tour

 This reminds me of that scene in True Lies where the bad guy rides the missile.

Kermit on Tour

 This reminds me of the intro to Three’s Company.

Kermit on Tour

Nice Balance

Kermit on Tour


Kermit on Tour

 Where the hell is this?

Kermit on Tour


Kermit on Tour

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  1. My personal favorite things with Kermit are the pictures comparing him to Christian Bale. They’re probably just coincidences but some of them are just too similar that they have to be planned that way.

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