If I were to Own One Pokemon T-Shirt, This Would be It
The seven sins, Pokemon style! Slutty Ditto. I love it.
The seven sins, Pokemon style! Slutty Ditto. I love it.
Lover of all things video game, anime, or manga. I'm passionate about these things and virtually nothing else. Hope you enjoy my musings!
This is redditor poeticmatter dressed as Waldo for the Jewish holiday of Purim. Good luck finding him in these real life pics!
This made me think of an entire movie set in a realistic tone, but I’d feel bad about Pokemon fighting then.
With the introduction of technology, the workplace has changed considerably over the last 50 years. Offices have so many new pieces of equipment to make life easier and increase efficiency that it seems that it…
You knew something like this would eventually exist. In fact I’m waiting for the time where we don’t even need “devices.” I’m waiting for the moment when making a call is as simply as pressing…
Let’s face it, we aren’t ever going to see anything like the original 1980s animated series Transformers again. While Michael Bay’s depiction and the cartoon have been decent, nothing in these mediums have been able to really…
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs7WaL44_Iw A while back, I posted a bit of creative inspiration featuring John Cleese. Today, I’ve got another that stars fellow Python member Terry Gilliam as he talks about the process behind his bizarre, subversive…