I Had No Idea There were This Many Awesome Karate Kid Mashups
As I was listening to “You’re the Best” for the 1000th time on my iPod the other day, I realized that there had to be some great Karate Kid mashups out there. Not only ones utilizing the aforementioned classic song by Joe Espisit, but some creative stuff that I had been perhaps missing out on.
And sure enough, there were a bunch. I had no idea so many fans wanted to see alternate endings or portray Daniel and Miyagi as a gay couple. You guys sure have vivid imaginations out there huh?
Here are 10 awesome Karate Kid mashups
Bat for Lashes
Rocky III You’re the Best Mashup
You’re the Best Neo
The Karate Kid Begins
Johnny Wins – This is Awesome
The Extended Kreese Scene
Another Alternate Ending
The Brokeback Kid
Re-Cut Karate Kid Three Trailer
Karate Kid as a Thriller
That would have been amazing if Johnny won. I know that I was certainly rooting for him.
how maney movies are there???
Johnny is sooooooo hot. And he should have won. But oh well. He’s still hot