The Making of an Impressive Home Made Iron Man Costume

While I personally thought that the second Iron Man pretty much sucked, that doesn’t mean some cool stuff didn’t come out of the movie.   And I’m strictly referring to cosplay here folks.   While I feel the movie fell short in so many ways it’s not even worth talking about, there were some pretty awesome get ups at comic and gaming conventions that warrant a nod.

Let’s take Wang Xiao Chang for example. He recreated the famous Iron Man Mark I costume.   It weighs about 100 lbs (45 kg) and Wang spent $450 to buy all the parts for the costume.  He must be a big fan.

Check out the project 

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  1. “While I personally thought that the second Iron Man pretty much sucked…”

    Ähem, actually you did not, you gave it a respectable 4 out of 5 stars and stated “bring me another one”.


  2. oooh, fail! ^^ I sometimes forget that 2 nerdz are writing here. Thx Kensington for putting my overhastiness on display. That was deverved… 😉

    But anyhow, Paul should definitely forbid that opinions about movies other than his own are published here. Otherwise this is way to confusing… 🙂

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